"""Enumerations and flags used by PlotOptiX raytracer.
Have a look at examples on GitHub: https://github.com/rnd-team-dev/plotoptix.
from enum import Enum, IntFlag
[docs]class Coordinates(Enum):
"""Coordinate system styles.
Note, implementation of the coordinate system geometries is ongoing. Now
only a simple box containing the data points is ready to use.
Hidden = 0
"""No coordinate system in the image.
Box = 1
"""Box containing all the data points.
#Axes = 2
[docs]class MissProgram(Enum):
"""Miss program.
Miss program is executed when ray segment is not intersecting any object
at a defined maximum distance. Radiance assigned to the ray by the miss
program appears as a color of the background (i.e. on primary segments)
or environmental light color (segments scattered off a diffuse surfaces)
or sub-surface color (segments scattered inside volumes).
See Also
Default = 0
"""Constant background color is used.
See Also
AmbientLight = 1
"""Background color is used if the ray is not scattering of any surface;
ambient light color is used otherwise (e.g. background can be black while
the scene is illuminated with any color of light).
See Also
:meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.set_ambient`, :meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.set_background`
AmbientAndVolume = 2
"""Same as :attr:`plotoptix.enums.MissProgram.AmbientLight` but supports
volumetric scattering (just a tiny fraction slower).
TextureFixed = 3
"""Texture color is used if the ray is not scattering of any surface;
ambient light color is used otherwise. Texture in the background is not
reacting to the camera changes and is not affacting the scene illumination.
This mode supports volumetric scattering.
See Also
:meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.set_ambient`, :meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.set_background`
TextureEnvironment = 4
"""Texture color is used for both, the background and the scene illumination.
Texture pixel is selected by the ray direction, so effectively the texture
is mapped on the sphere with infinite radius: use 360 deg environment maps.
This mode supports volumetric scattering.
See Also
#Custom = 5
#"""Reserved for the future use.
[docs]class GeomAttributeProgram(Enum):
"""Geometry attributes program.
Executed to find the closest ray-object intersection. Calculates the
geometry normal and texture coordinates.
Default = 0
DisplacedSurface = 2
"""Displaced surface position.
Modifies surface position according to the provided texture. Available with
textured particles.
#Custom = 5
#"""Reserved for the future use.
[docs]class DisplacementMapping(Enum):
"""Surface displacement mapping mode.
NormalTilt = 1
"""Only the shading normal is affected.
DisplacedSurface = 2
"""Surface is actually displaced, shading normal is tilted accordingly.
[docs]class TextureMapping(Enum):
"""Texture projection mode.
Flat = 1
"""Orthogonal projection on a flat surface.
Spherical = 2
"""Projection on a spherical surface.
[docs]class TextureAddressMode(Enum):
"""Texture addressing mode on edge crossing.
Wrap = 0
"""Wrap texture.
Clamp = 1
"""Clamp texture.
Mirror = 2
"""Mirror texture.
Border = 3
"""Extend texture border.
[docs]class TextureFilterMode(Enum):
"""Texture sampling mode.
Nearest = 0
"""Nearest pixel.
Trilinear = 1
"""Linear interpolation.
[docs]class MaterialType(Enum):
"""Type of the material shader.
Used to select the shader program when creating
a dictionary for the new material parameters.
Flat = 0
"""Simple and fast flat color shading.
Cosine = 1
"""Shaded transparency with cos(eye-hit-normal), fast.
Diffuse = 2
"""Lambertian and Oren-Nayar diffuse materials, no specular reflections, no
transmission, no transparency, therefore a bit faster than other, more
complex materials.
TransparentDiffuse = 3
"""Diffuse material, similar to :attr:`plotoptix.enums.MaterialType.Diffuse`,
but with the transparency support.
Reflective = 4
"""Supports all surfaces with specular reflections (also mixed with diffuse
behavior), including metallic surface, with no transmission and no transparency support.
TransparentReflective = 5
"""Reflective material, similar to :attr:`plotoptix.enums.MaterialType.Reflective`,
but with the transparency support.
Transmissive = 6
"""Glass-like, transmissive material with the light refraction and
dispersion support; includes also volumetric scattering and emission.
ThinWalled = 7
"""Bubble-like, transmissive material with no refraction on the walls;
includes volumetric scattering and emission.
ShadowCatcher = 8
"""Shadow catcher, a diffuse material, transparent except shadowed regions.
Useful for preparation of packshot style images.
class MaterialFlag(IntFlag):
"""Material flags to modify shaders behavior.
Some properties of material shaders can be modified passing these flags.
Collection will grow as more shader variants are enabled.
See Also
Neutral = 0
"""No modifications.
ColorByPrimitive = 0x00000040
"""Reserved for the future implmentation. Use colors by face index (meshes)
or segment index (curves) instead of default indexing by vertices.
CountTransmissions = 0x00000001
"""Include transmission segments in the limit of traced path segments (off by default).
[docs]class Geometry(Enum):
"""Geometry shapes.
Unknown = 0
"""Value reserved for errors.
ParticleSet = 1
"""Spherical particle for each data point.
Each point can have individual radius and color.
ParticleSetTextured = 4
"""Spherical particle, 3D oriented, for each data point.
Each point can have individual radius and color. U and V vectors
allow for 3D orientation of each point so it can works best with
textures. Texture overrides individual flat colors of particles.
U vector points to the **north** of the particle, V vector sets
the zero **longitude** direction. V vector is orthogonalized to U.
ParticleSetConstSize = 18
"""Spherical particle with shared radius.
Color can be provided for each data point but geometry (radius) of each
primitive is identical. Shared radius reduces memory usage and improves
ray-tracing efficiency.
#ParticleNetConstL = 2
#ParticleSetVarL = 3
#BezierCurves = 5
BezierChain = 6
"""Bezier curve interpolating data points.
Curve thickness and color can be provided for each data point (curve node).
You only need to provide data points. Bezier control points are calculated
internally to obtain a smooth continuous curve. This implementation is faster
than the OptiX native used in :attr:`plotoptix.enums.Geometry.Beziers` though
some artifacts might occur if curve sections are long.
For a piecewise linear plot use :attr:`plotoptix.enums.Geometry.SegmentChain`.
SegmentChain = 11
"""Linear segments connecting data points.
Line thickness and color can be provided for each data point (node).
BSplineQuad = 12
"""Quadratic b-spline with nodes at data points.
Curve thickness and color can be provided for each data point (curve node).
Note: b-spline is not interpolating data points; see examples
how to pin start/end to a fixed position. Use
:attr:`plotoptix.enums.Geometry.BezierChain` for a smooth curve
interpolating all data points.
BSplineCubic = 13
"""Cubic b-spline with nodes at data points.
Curve thickness and color can be provided for each data point (curve node).
Note: b-spline is not interpolating data points; see examples
how to pin start/end to a fixed position. Use
:attr:`plotoptix.enums.Geometry.BezierChain` for a smooth curve
interpolating all data points.
CatmullRom = 15
"""Catmull-Rom spline with nodes at data points.
Curve thickness and color can be provided for each data point (curve node).
Curve interpolates its data points (nodes) exactly.
Beziers = 16
"""Bezier curves with data points used as **control points** for each independent segment (OptiX native implementation).
Curve thickness and color can be provided for each data point (bezier control point).
Each segment is described with 4 control points: start, ctrl #1, ctrl #2, end. Multiple
segments are described with an array of control point 3D positions (colors, radii) of
successive segments, i.g. N segments will require an array ``(4*N,3)`` of positions,
an array ``(4*N,3)`` of colors and an array ``(N,)`` of radii, see also ``2_beziers.py``
in basic code examples.
Ribbon = 17
"""Flat quadratic b-spline with nodes at data points.
Width and color can be provided for each data point (ribbon node).
Parallelograms = 7
"""Flat parallelograms.
Color and parallelogram U / V vectors can be provided for each
data point.
ParallelogramsConstSize = 19
"""Flat parallelograms with shared U and V vectors.
Color can be provided for each data point but geometry of each primitive
is identical. Shared U / V vectors reduce memory usage and improve
ray-tracing efficiency.
Parallelepipeds = 8
Color and U / V / W vectors can be provided for each data point.
ParallelepipedsConstSize = 20
"""Parallelepipeds with shared U / V / W vectors.
Color can be provided for each data point but geometry of each primitive
is identical. Shared U / V / W vectors reduce memory usage and improve
ray-tracing efficiency.
Tetrahedrons = 9
Color and U / V / W vectors can be provided for each data point.
Mesh = 10
Color and normal vectors can be provided for each data point (mesh vertex).
Graph = 14
"""Graph or a wireframed mesh.
Color and radius can be provided for each data point (graph vertex).
[docs]class GeomBuffer(IntFlag):
"""Geometry buffer flags.
Flags are used for:
- selection of buffers which should be updated on GPU side with
:meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.update_geom_buffers` method after geometry
modifications made with move_geometry()/move_primitive() and similar
- selection of internal memory buffer for direct data access with
Positions = 1
"""Data points positions.
Velocities = 2
"""Velocities of data points / curve nodes / mesh vertices.
Used only on the host side, for the simulation support. Allocated on
the first access.
Colors0 = 4
"""Bezier segments starting color.
Colors1 = 8
"""Bezier segments end color.
Colors = Colors0 | Colors1
"""Any geometry color, including start/end of bezier and line
Allocated on the first access (otherwise constant color is used).
Radii = 16
"""Particles radii, bezier and line segment thickness.
U = 32
"""U vector of parallelograms, parallelepipeds and tetrahedrons.
V = 64
"""V vector of parallelograms, parallelepipeds and tetrahedrons.
W = 128
"""W vector of parallelograms, parallelepipeds and tetrahedrons.
Vectors = U | V | W
"""All vectors of parallelograms, parallelepipeds and tetrahedrons; normal vectors of meshes.
V0 = 256
"""Start node of bezier segments.
V1 = 512
"""1st mid node of bezier segments.
V2 = 1024
"""2nd mid node of bezier segments.
V3 = 2048
"""End node of bezier segments.
VNodes = V0 | V1 | V2 | V3
"""All nodes of bezier and line segments.
VertexIdx = 4096
"""Triplets of mesh face indexes (to be replaced with the ``FaceIdx`` name).
FaceIdx = 4096
"""Triplets of mesh face indexes.
NormalIdx = 8192
"""Mesh normal indexes.
TextureMap = 16384
"""Tecture UV coordinates.
EdgeIdx = 32768
"""Doublets of mesh or graph edge indexes.
Allocated on the first access in meshes.
"""All buffers.
[docs]class WorkDistribution(Enum):
"""Work distribution mode.
Uniform = 0
"""Constant numbe of rays per pixel.
NoiseBalanced = 2
"""More rays towards pixels with the higher absolute noise, same as ``AbsNoiseBalanced``.
RelNoiseBalanced = 1
"""More rays towards pixels with the higher relative noise.
AbsNoiseBalanced = 2
"""More rays towards pixels with the higher absolute noise.
[docs]class Camera(Enum):
"""Cameras (ray generation programs).
Pinhole = 0
"""Perspective camera.
DoF = 1
"""Thin lens perspective camera with depth of field simulation.
This camera produces ideal, straight perspective lines.
ThinLens = 1
"""Alias for DoF.
Actually a better name that should replace DoF at some point.
ThinLensFast = 7
"""Fast ThinLens camera kernel.
ThinLens implementation simplified for fast frame rendering (but also more noisy).
Panoramic = 2
"""360 deg panoramic (equirectangular) camera.
Ortho = 3
"""Orthogonal projection camera.
Fisheye = 4
"""Fisheye (equisolid) camera with depth of field simulation.
This camera renders a fisheye lens distortion of perspective lines. It
also focuses on a sphere rather than on a plane like thin lens camera.
ThinLensChroma = 5
"""Thin lens perspective camera with depth of field and chromatic abberation simulation.
This camera produces ideal, straight perspective lines.
FisheyeChroma = 6
"""Fisheye (equisolid) camera with depth of field and chromatic abberation simulation.
This camera renders a fisheye lens distortion of perspective lines. It
also focuses on a sphere rather than on a plane like thin lens camera.
CustomProjXYZtoDir = 95
"""Custom projection camera.
Rays are defined with two 4D textures ``[height, width, 4]``. First one is composed
of origin points ``[x, y, z, 0]``. Second texture contains ray directions and maximum
ranges ``[cosx, cosy, cosz, r]``. All values are in the world space. Negative range
values are replaced with the infinite range.
Exact values from the texture are used if the render size and texture size are the
same, otherwise values are interpolated. Textures can have different sizes.
CustomProjXYZtoXYZ = 96
"""Custom projection camera.
Rays are defined with two 4D textures ``[height, width, 4]``. First one is composed
of origin points ``[x, y, z, 0]``. Second texture contains ray target points and maximum
ranges ``[x, y, z, r]``. All values are in the world space. Negative range values are
replaced with the infinite range.
Exact values from the texture are used if the render size and texture size are the
same, otherwise values are interpolated. Textures can have different sizes.
CustomProjXYZ = 97
"""Custom projection camera.
Rays are defined with a 4D texture ``[height, width, 4]`` composed of target points
and maximum range ``[x, y, z, r]``. Range value set to ``0.0`` is converted to distance
from the camera position to ``[x, y, z]``; negative range values are replaced with
the infinite range.
Exact values from the texture are used if the render size and texture size are the
same. Otherwise target points are interpolated.
CustomProj = 98
"""Custom projection camera.
Ray angles are defined with a 2D texture ``[height, width, 2]`` composed of angles
``[horizontal, vertical]`` w.r.t. the camera axis. Angles should be provided in radians,
and normalized so the value ``1.0`` is corresponding to ``pi``. Negative angles are to
the left (horizontal) and down (vertical) w.r.t. the camera axis.
Exact values from the texture are used if the render size and texture size are the
same. Otherwise ray angles are interpolated.
TexTest = 99
"""Test texture mapping in the camera shader.
[docs]class LightShading(Enum):
"""Light shading program.
Soft = 0
"""Soft light shading.
Raytracing in this mode converges quickly and lighting is well
balanced for most scenes and light sources.
Hard = 1
"""Hard light shading.
Slower convergence (more frames required to eliminate noise),
but much better suited for scenes with caustics.
[docs]class Light(Enum):
"""Light sources.
Parallelogram = 0
"""Flat parallelogram, light on front face only.
Spherical = 1
"""Spherical light, shining in all directions.
[docs]class Channel(Enum):
"""Image color channel.
Gray = 0
R = 1
"""Red channel.
G = 2
"""Green channel.
B = 3
"""Blue channel.
A = 4
"""Alpha channel.
[docs]class ChannelOrder(Enum):
"""Color channel ordering.
RGB = 1
BGR = 2
RGBA = 3
BGRA = 4
[docs]class ChannelDepth(Enum):
"""Color channel depth: 8, 16 or 32 bits per sample.
Bps8 = 1
Bps16 = 2
Bps32 = 3
[docs]class Postprocessing(Enum):
"""2D postprocessing stages.
Postprocessing stages can be added with :meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.add_postproc`
to correct ray traced 2D image. Each algorithm has its own variables that should
be configured before adding the postprocessing stage.
See Also
Levels = 1
"""Image levels correction.
Variables to configure:
- levels_low_range, float3, RGB values
- levels_high_range, float3, RGB values.
>>> optix = TkOptiX()
>>> optix.set_float("levels_low_range", 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)
>>> optix.set_float("levels_high_range", 0.9, 0.8, 0.7)
>>> optix.add_postproc("Levels")
Gamma = 2
"""Image gamma correction.
Variables to configure:
- tonemap_exposure, float, exposure value
- tonemap_gamma, float, gamma value.
>>> optix = TkOptiX()
>>> optix.set_float("tonemap_exposure", 0.6)
>>> optix.set_float("tonemap_gamma", 1/2.2)
>>> optix.add_postproc("Gamma")
GrayCurve = 3
"""Brightness correction curve.
Variables to configure:
- tonemap_exposure, float, exposure value
- tone_curve_gray, texture 1D, correction curve; can be configured by
passing the values directly (:meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.set_texture_1d`) or
with :meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.set_correction_curve`
>>> optix = TkOptiX()
>>> optix.set_float("tonemap_exposure", 0.6)
>>> optix.set_texture_1d("tone_curve_gray", [0, 0.33, 0.75, 1])
>>> optix.add_postproc("GrayCurve")
RgbCurve = 4
"""RGB correction curve.
Variables to configure:
- tonemap_exposure, float, exposure value
- tone_curve_r, texture 1D, red channel correction curve
- tone_curve_g, texture 1D, green channel correction curve
- tone_curve_b, texture 1D, blue channel correction curve
Correction curves can be configured by passing the values directly
(using :meth:`plotoptix.NpOptiX.set_texture_1d`) or with
>>> optix = TkOptiX()
>>> optix.set_float("tonemap_exposure", 0.6)
>>> optix.set_texture_1d("tone_curve_r", [0, 0.31, 0.75, 1])
>>> optix.set_texture_1d("tone_curve_g", [0, 0.33, 0.78, 1])
>>> optix.set_texture_1d("tone_curve_b", [0, 0.35, 0.81, 1])
>>> optix.add_postproc("RgbCurve")
Mask = 5
"""2D mask multiplied by the image.
Variables to configure:
- frame_mask, grayscale texture 2D, mask to apply
>>> optix = TkOptiX()
>>> x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 20)
>>> z = np.linspace(-1, 1, 20)
>>> Mx, Mz = np.meshgrid(x, z)
>>> M = np.abs(Mx) ** 3 + np.abs(Mz) ** 3
>>> M = 1 - (0.6 / np.max(M)) * M
>>> optix.set_texture_2d("frame_mask", M)
>>> optix.add_postproc("Mask")
Overlay = 6
"""2D overlay, added to the image according to alpha channel.
Variables to configure:
- frame_overlay, RGBA texture 2D, an overlay to add
>>> optix = TkOptiX()
>>> # ...read or create overlay image
>>> optix.set_texture_2d("frame_overlay", M)
>>> optix.add_postproc("Overlay")
Denoiser = 7
"""AI denoiser, LDR model.
This model is applied to the image after tone mapping. Image values are clamped
to the ``<0, 1>`` range at the denoiser input. Use appropriate exposure to scale the
image into that range; the gamma value should be about ``2.2`` (see :attr:`plotoptix.enums.Postprocessing.Gamma`).
Variables to configure:
- denoiser_blend, float, amount of original image mixed with denoiser output
range: 0 (only denoiser output) to 1 (only original raytracing output)
- denoiser_start, uint, number of the accumulation frame after which denoiser is applied;
default velue is 4; see also denoiser_start in `raytracer configuration <npoptix_config.html#raytracer-configuration>`_
- denoiser_kind, int value of :class:`plotoptix.enums.DenoiserKind`, decides
which buffers are used as denoiser inputs
>>> rt = TkOptiX()
>>> rt.set_float("denoiser_blend", 0.5)
>>> rt.set_uint("denoiser_start", 12)
>>> rt.set_int("denoiser_kind", DenoiserKind.Rgb.value)
>>> rt.add_postproc("Denoiser")
DenoiserHDR = 8
"""AI denoiser, HDR model.
This model is applied to the raw hdr image, before any other postprocessing.
Variables to configure:
- denoiser_blend, float, amount of original image mixed with denoiser output
range: 0 (only denoiser output) to 1 (only original raytracing output)
- denoiser_start, uint, number of the accumulation frame after which denoiser is applied;
default velue is 4; see also denoiser_start in `raytracer configuration <npoptix_config.html#raytracer-configuration>`_
- denoiser_kind, int value of :class:`plotoptix.enums.DenoiserKind`, decides
which buffers are used as denoiser inputs
>>> rt = TkOptiX()
>>> rt.set_float("denoiser_blend", 0.5)
>>> rt.set_uint("denoiser_start", 12)
>>> rt.set_int("denoiser_kind", DenoiserKind.Rgb.value)
>>> rt.add_postproc("DenoiserHDR")
DenoiserUp2x = 9
"""AI denoiser, HDR model with upscaling x2.
This model is applied to the raw hdr image, before any other postprocessing.
It is simultaneously upsizing the image by the factor of 2. When this denoiser
is included in the postprocessing, all ray tracing happens in the resolution
2x lower than ``width`` and ``height`` set in :class:`plotoptix.NpOptiX` object.
Variables to configure:
- denoiser_blend, float, amount of original image mixed with denoiser output
range: 0 (only denoiser output) to 1 (only original raytracing output)
- denoiser_start, uint, number of the accumulation frame after which denoiser is applied;
default velue is 4; see also denoiser_start in `raytracer configuration <npoptix_config.html#raytracer-configuration>`_
- denoiser_kind, int value of :class:`plotoptix.enums.DenoiserKind`, decides
which buffers are used as denoiser inputs
>>> rt = TkOptiX()
>>> rt.set_float("denoiser_blend", 0.0)
>>> rt.set_uint("denoiser_start", 12)
>>> rt.set_int("denoiser_kind", DenoiserKind.Rgb.value)
>>> rt.add_postproc("DenoiserUp2x")
OIDenoiser = 10
"""Intel Open Image denoiser, LDR model.
This model is applied to the image after tone mapping. Image values are clamped
to the ``<0, 1>`` range at the denoiser input. Use appropriate exposure to scale the
image into that range; the gamma value should be about ``2.2`` (see :attr:`plotoptix.enums.Postprocessing.Gamma`).
Variables to configure:
- denoiser_blend, float, amount of original image mixed with denoiser output
range: 0 (only denoiser output) to 1 (only original raytracing output)
- denoiser_start, uint, number of the accumulation frame after which denoiser is applied;
default velue is 4; see also denoiser_start in `raytracer configuration <npoptix_config.html#raytracer-configuration>`_
- denoiser_kind, int value of :class:`plotoptix.enums.DenoiserKind`, decides
which buffers are used as denoiser inputs
>>> rt = TkOptiX()
>>> rt.set_float("denoiser_blend", 0.5)
>>> rt.set_uint("denoiser_start", 12)
>>> rt.set_int("denoiser_kind", DenoiserKind.Rgb.value)
>>> rt.add_postproc("OIDenoiser")
OIDenoiserHDR = 11
"""Intel Open Image denoiser, HDR model.
This model is applied to the raw hdr image, before any other postprocessing.
Variables to configure:
- denoiser_blend, float, amount of original image mixed with denoiser output
range: 0 (only denoiser output) to 1 (only original raytracing output)
- denoiser_start, uint, number of the accumulation frame after which denoiser is applied;
default velue is 4; see also denoiser_start in `raytracer configuration <npoptix_config.html#raytracer-configuration>`_
- denoiser_kind, int value of :class:`plotoptix.enums.DenoiserKind`, decides
which buffers are used as denoiser inputs
>>> rt = TkOptiX()
>>> rt.set_float("denoiser_blend", 0.5)
>>> rt.set_uint("denoiser_start", 12)
>>> rt.set_int("denoiser_kind", DenoiserKind.Rgb.value)
>>> rt.add_postproc("OIDenoiserHDR")
[docs]class DenoiserKind(IntFlag):
"""Buffers used by the denoiser.
Rgb = 0x01
"""Only raw RGB values are used. Use this mode to save memory or
if denoising in other modes is not satisfactory.
Albedo = 0x02
"""Albedo buffer, must be used together with :attr:`plotoptix.enums.DenoiserKind.Rgb`.
Normal = 0x04
"""Normal buffer, must be used together with :attr:`plotoptix.enums.DenoiserKind.Rgb`
and :attr:`plotoptix.enums.DenoiserKind.Albedo`.
Prev = 0x08
"""Previous temporal frame - reserved for the future use.
RgbAlbedo = Rgb | Albedo
"""Default mode. Raw RGB values and surface albedo are used.
RgbAlbedoNormal = RgbAlbedo | Normal
"""Raw RGB values, surface albedo and normals are used. Use this
mode for scenes with fine details of surface structures.
[docs]class RtResult(Enum):
"""Raytracing result codes.
Success = 0
"""Frame raytracing completed with no errors.
AccumDone = 1
"""Last accumulation frame completed.
Image is ready, raytracng stops until changes in the scene
are made.
NoUpdates = 2
"""There is no change in the output image.
ComputeTimeout = 0x100
"""Compute/upload task timed out.
LaunchTimeout = 0x101
"""Ray-tracing task timed out.
[docs]class NvEncProfile(Enum):
"""H.264 encoding profile.
Beware that some combinations are not supported by all players
(e.g. lossless encoding is not playable in Windows Media Player).
See Also
Default = 0
Baseline = 1
Main = 2
High = 3
High444 = 4
[docs]class NvEncPreset(Enum):
"""H.264 encoding preset.
Beware that some combinations may not be supported by all players
(e.g. lossless encoding is not playable in Windows Media Player).
See Also
Default = 0
HP = 1
HQ = 2
BD = 3
LL = 4
LL_HP = 5
LL_HQ = 6
Lossless = 7
Lossless_HP = 8
[docs]class GpuArchitecture(Enum):
"""SM architecture.
See Also
:meth:`plotoptix.utils.get_gpu_architecture`, :meth:`plotoptix.utils.set_gpu_architecture`,
Auto = 0
"""Select highest SM architecture matching available GPU's.
Compute_50 = 500
Compute_52 = 520
#Compute_53 = 530
Compute_60 = 600
Compute_61 = 610
#Compute_62 = 620
Compute_70 = 700
#Compute_72 = 720
Compute_75 = 750
Compute_86 = 860